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About us

About us

Company informaiton

Sulliman Aïad, digital identity creation services is a company registered in Quebec (Canada) since 2014.
Company registration number (NEQ) : 2269911162.

Somes of our services are offered through the Canada-registered company 11992210 Canada Inc., which is incorporated in federal law and registered in Quebec and British Columbia.

Website graphics and design guidelines

All pictures on this website are either in public domain or of my own intellectual property, excluding the company logos in the home page, which are used in respect of their respective design guidelines.

About this website

All data collected from this website are used solely for analytics purposes and consist only on the visitors IP address and information about the visited webpages. This website does not store any cookies and does not try to identify you in any way. Mass analytics data is collected by Google Analytics, giving us access to website trafic information. When using this website, you agree to these terms.